past exhibition
Flowers Body
Sarah Julig
03.01.20 - 03.22.20

Opening Sunday, March 1, 4-7pm
Exhibition on view Saturdays 12-4pm and by appointment

This exhibit is a response to the constant demand from our capitalist culture to present only our most attractive selves to the world, and to compete and attack each other at any sign of weakness. Our goal is to construct as space of caring in opposition to this, and to mourn for what we have lost.

In her essay Sick Woman Theory, Johanna Hedva asserts that living with a chronic illness in a society that values bodies only for their labor is a political act. As she concludes: " The most anti-capitalist protest is to care for another and to care for yourself. To take on the historically feminized and therefore invisible practice of nursing, nurturing, caring. To take seriously each otherā€™s vulnerability and fragility and precarity, and to support it, honor it, empower it. To protect each other, to enact and practice community. A radical kinship, an interdependent sociality, a politics of care."

Whether we currently suffer from an illness or not, we all carry the wounds we inflict on each other and the natural world in our bodies. This installation uses ceramic sculptures, water, heat, scent, ritual, and participation to create a space for caring and reflection, a space for confronting our vulnerability and transience. The gallery will act as a memento mori, a mourning for our violence to the natural world and each other, as well as an expression of joy.

Opening March 1st 4 to 7pm
Interactive ceramics and apocalypse spa
Plants, Potluck BBQ, tonics and drinks
with special musical performance by
@eccaecho at 6pm
and incense paper sacrificial messages from
Elizabeth Maldari ( @renta_tart ) in the yard (ongoing)

March 21 2-5 pm
paper incense making workshop in the garden
with Elizabeth Maldari
sliding scale, preregister to get on a list for supplies.
Make your own scented paper incense!

March 22 2-5
Free workshop* -Body/Earth Awareness,
planetary grief, self healing massage, drawing body sensation,
with Nancy Wong and Sarah Julig

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